
New blog

I quickly wanted to thank everyone who checked this blog out and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! This blog has over 11000 views (I am completely in shock right now) and it'd only be fair if I gave you guys something in return!

This will not be the thing you'd be looking forward to or what you'd expect it to be. It's a new blog (!!!) the lay out is completely the same except for the name and I feel like it'd allow me more to get creative in some way. (just a fresh start, but not really)

I will keep some of the post themes I had and there will come a lot new ones and just basically something better than this! So I invite you to come with me on this new journey and thank you for all the support this page has gotten!

Here's the link to the new one: http://littledreamersheart.blogspot.be/

Much love;